Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why do people want kids?

Really, now.... there has to be more than one reason people want to have children. What are some of them?
  1. To carry on the family name and bloodline.
  2. To have someone to share their lives with.
  3. To have someone to care for them in their old age.
  4. To have someone to leave their money and possessions to.
  5. To have someone to brag about.
  6. Good family pictures.
  7. Pressure from the in-laws.
  8. Someone for their dog to play with.
  9. Someone to do the housework.
  10. Tax exemptions.
  11. Welfare check.
  12. Couldn't afford birth control and didn't have self control.
  13. Didn't believe in abortion.
  14. Considered abortion, but could NEVER give their child for adoption.
  15. Someone to dress cute.
  16. Someone to love them.
  17. ______________ (add your own here.)
Why did I want children? Probably the very same reason most 'normal' women want them. It is instinctual and woven into the very fiber of us. We don't have a 'reason' - it's not really logical, it just is.
So then, why, when I begged God for children - and He gave me 5 - do I complain? I don't really have the answer for that one either, but I suppose it has something to do with human nature - never satisfied.
Giving birth and/or adopting children is the EASY part.... the hard part is the raising of them.
I do believe that with children come your greatest JOY and your deepest HEARTACHE - all wrapped up in one package! ....really....go ahead and try it.

1 comment:

Jennie Slack said...

...I just can't seem to get the #9 part...