Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why reunification?

"...but of course, reunification is always the goal."

I have heard this said so very many times and wonder why reunification is always the goal.... ?? Why would it be the goal to reunify children with their drug addicted, abusive parents? Because of blood?

You tell that to my daughters who we got when they were 7 and 9 and already damaged beyond complete repair. They will always carry scars and baggage because some system thought it was a good idea to continue to try to reunify them with parents who kept making the decision that drugs and money were more important than these precious lives.

If 'the system' would have seen the importance of their wholeness, they would not have to go through their lives with the many and varied problems they have.

Each time I hear someone say this I wonder why... and I wonder what kind of life they could have had if we had been allowed to adopt them younger.