Sunday, December 21, 2008

It Is Not Your Fault!

For the past ten years now, I have slowly and painfully become aware of the wild need for support for and among adoptive families. In particular, families who adopt older children. I guess if I'm being honest, my focus would be the mothers in the situation.
I must start with a statement that has the power to free each mother:
If I could get one message out - that is what it would be. I have and AM currently learning this the hard way - but is there any other way to learn things like this?
The truth is, if most of us knew what we were getting ourselves into in the first place we probably would have not signed on the dotted line....
.....however, we are not told about the gut wrenching difficulties that lie ahead. Instead, we are courted by the 'holy foster system' with promises of saving a child's life and getting kudos from all humankind.
We are not enlightened as to the heartbreaking results of what happens when we pour our very life's blood into a child until we get that swift kick in the teeth by the once angelic child who could not wait for their new home. The very angel who turns demonic when alone with the one who has sacrificed the most for their well being - the mother.
Conveniently left out of the 'telling' are the incorrigible behaviors of this child you just want to share the love you have with.
I have ever so much more to say, but I will stop for now. Just remember - It's NOT your fault!
Please comment and send me your stories, because I know there are thousands of you that are suffering in silence because of the judgment that you receive from others. I have lots of stories and thoughts about that..... later.

Cindie saves the world.....

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